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We supervise both bachelor and master theses on topics regarding human capital and gender. We encourage you to have attended at least one of the courses our Chair offers on these topics before applying, but this is no mandatory requirement. For both our bachelor and master students, we require that students develop their own thesis topic.


A typical bachelor thesis comprises a new synthesis of the existing literature, generating novel insights on the underlying research question. If you have previous experience with data analysis and empirical methods, we also supervise empirical bachelor theses. This would typically be a descriptive analysis complementing the literature review.


We typically require our Master students to perform their own empirical analysis, going beyond a pure descriptive analysis. Therefore, candidates should have enough econometrics knowledge as well as, ideally, first experience with data work. The analysis is complemented by a comprehensive literature review to answer the chosen research question.


We do not have a deadline for applications. However, spots tend to fill up quickly, so we suggest contacting us well in advance of your desired starting date (around 3 months, for empirical projects rather earlier).

Please email the person you wish to be your primary supervisor, Prof. Pia Pinger or Barbara Boelmann, directly, including

  •  your transcript of records;

  •  a proposal of 2-3 topics for your thesis, including 2-3 seminal research papers each. If applicable, ideally you also include relevant data sources you might want to use, but we are also happy to assist you in finding the right dataset for the analysis.

We look forward to receiving your proposals!