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Main Research Areas


Our research centers around topics of social inequality in the fields of human capital, education, labor and gender economics. Thereby, we apply tools from applied microeconometrics and behavioral economics. We study a wide range of questions to better understand the determinants of social inequality. For example, we have looked at how early mentoring can alleviate human capital differences between children of different socioeconomic background; and how social norms shape the return-to-work decisions of mothers.

We engage in several large party funding activities that offer ample opportunity for collaboration, funding, and knowledge exchange. To find out more about these, please check the following links: ECONtributeC-SEB, CRC TR224.

Researchers at our chair are affiliated with the following institutions: briq, IZA, CESifo, HCEO, CReAM​​​​​​​​​​​​​​.

For more detailed information and publications, please check the homepages of Prof. Dr. Pia Pinger and Dr. Barbara Boelmann, respectively.

Prof. Dr. Pia Pinger: https://sites.google.com/site/piapinger/

Dr. Barbara Boelmann: www.barbara-boelmann.de